An Ecosexual CampOut – Redwood Resort – May 4th

Redwood Resort
The Ecosex Camp Out is a prescreening/fundraising event where we can share our film Goodbye Gauley Mountain: An Ecosexual Love Story and talk about mountain top removal with our neighbors and friends. Ecosex CampOut starts at 7Pm with a Potluck dinner. Then we'll give a little talk at 8. We'll screen the film at 8:30.  This event includes overnight camping at the Redwood Resort which is right across the street from us in Boulder Creek, CA.  We hope everyone will bring something for the potluck. We'll provide music, and Annie and I will give a short lecture on ecosexuality and mountain top removal. Then we'll screen the film in the middle of a beautiful redwood grove.  It is going to be a down home event to remember. Suggested donation from $10-$25. We've even got a facebook link if you are so inclined.